Collaborative Projects stemmed from sharing:
- Anderson Mill Elementary: [Effective 9/20/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian have started working on digital book reviews of the Bluebonnet books (Texas state award books). Students are working on their reviews now. The ITS and Librarian team will create QR codes for each of these reviews that will be available on the Anderson Mill library website.
- Laurel Mountain Elementary: [Effective 10/2/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist, Counselor, and Librarian collaborated for Education Go Get It Week with career books, lessons, and special broadcast announcements. You can watch a sample broadcast here.
- Voight Elementary: [Effective 10/7/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian have designed the Voight Google University to bring Google Apps for Education training to teachers so they are then able to effectively integrate GAFE with students and teach students effective uses. Here's a line-up of their Google University training series:
- MegaByte Monday after school training 3:15-3:45
- Google App centered
- First two weeks, teacher centered to build confidence
- Last two weeks, how to use it with their students (grades 2-5)
- Beginning October 7th
- PD stickers for attendees
- Small chunks of information
- Union Hill Elementary: [Effective 10/11/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian have partnered up to do a flipped book club with a group of 17 5th graders. The group is reading the book "Force Out" by Tim Green. Students reflect about their reading on the library blog and they meet once a week to talk and get the next reading assignment.
The ITS/Librarian team is also planning a half day of professional development for teachers on January 6, 2014. It will be similar to what other schools have done and called "Amazing Race" but they are going with more of a "Cut Throat Kitchen" theme. - Blackland Prairie Elementary: [Effective 10/14/13] At Blackland Prairie, Kris Korfanta, Instructional Technology Specialist, and the Librarian, Meg Beasley, are doing a project with Padlet. The ITS has posted a Padlet for each Bluebonnet book while the Librarian has contributed comments on the pages. One of the fifth grade teachers, Martha Kuhl, is having her class react to the pages and post comments as they read the books. Some of the pages include quizzes on the books. The team will open the pages to other classes after reviewing how well the first one went. Check out their Padlets thus far!
- Live Oak Elementary: [Effective 10/14/13] On October 14th, teachers at Live Oak Elementary participated in a half day Technology Professional Development designed through Instructional Technology Specialist/Librarian collaboration. Some teachers chose to attend a basic Google Drive session. Others attended Discovery Education Streaming training. Still others participated in a "Technology Slam" demonstrating & experiencing quick lessons on cool tech tools like Animoto, Prezi, Edmodo, MOODLE, and assorted Google Apps. Check out their trainings on their Google Site!
- Canyon Creek Elementary: [Effective 10/14/13] Donna Owen, Instructional Technology Specialist, and Sharon Whisnand, Librarian, collaborated with Jenny Kasson, Assistant Principal, to get all staff joined to Google + and members of Canyon Creek Community!
- Cactus Ranch Elementary: [Effective 10/15/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian are working on a video teaching kids how to download and use the Follett Shelf app to read Cactus Ranch Elementary library e-books on their devices at home. The team finished their Follett Shelf video and have already used it to teach 5th grade how to use Follett Shelf from a computer and how to use the app to read Follett Shelf books on their ipad or tablet. You can catch the video here.
- Wells Branch Elementary: [Effective 10/15/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian are collaboratively working to turn the Wells Branch Elementary Library into a "talking library." Library Explorers, or student library helpers, will create videos explaining library processes, sections, and functions using the library document camera. These videos will be linked to QR codes. QR codes will placed around the library so that students can scan them to find out information about that particular section of the library. These ideas and processes will be shared out with the staff so that this process might be used in classrooms for class sharing and student projects.
- Old Town Elementary: [Effective 10/16/13] Instructional Technology Specialist, Leslie Long, and Librarian, Keri Rabe, collaborated to create Scope it Out! The team produced a professional development training video so that their teachers will be able to integrate the use of new hand-held digital microscopes into their science teachings. Video is at the following link: According to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), students in all grade levels are required to use a variety of scientific tools including microscopes. The team has highlighted lesson plans for each grade level so that teachers have a ready reference on ways they can use the microscopes with their class in a meaningful way. They have put together a packet for teachers to go with the instructional video, including printed lesson plans custom to the grade level, a CD manual, and a laminated reference page to go with each microscope.
- Fern Bluff Elementary: [Effective 10/16/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist, Greg Smith, and Librarian, Ginna Wimmer, are working together on our school newspaper.The Librarian has a group of students writing news articles. They are going to do a print publication, but the team is also going to put up an online newspaper that can be accessed from the Fern Bluff home page. The kids can update it more frequently and parents/students can read it easily from home. Stay tuned for their progress!
- Teravista Elementary: [Effective 10/17/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist, Anita Oliver, and Librarian, Ami Uselman, are collaborating to provide on-going training to our staff through T.O.O.L.S.: Twice a month Staff is invited to bring their lunch to the library to enjoy T.O.O.L.S (Technology Opportunities Over Lunch Squad) and learn at lunchtime!. The librarian and Instructional Technology Specialist plan and present short sessions featuring helpful technology tips, introduction of new apps, resources, etc. Laptops are setup so new learning can be tried and applied on the spot.
- Double File Trail Elementary: [Effective 10/18/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian have set up a blog for the book, Wonder. The blog is linked to the library Web page. Teachers can post activities that they are doing in their classes with the book, Wonder. The team will show teachers how to set up a blog using Blogger so that they can use it with their students and parents. The team has set up a blog link: and a Twitter link:
- Linda Herrington Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist, Carol Edwards, and Librarian, Kim Miller, are working together to design Depth and Complexity tools to be used during lessons using Promethean Products. The Librarian and Instruction Technology Specialist recently attended a campus-wide Depth and Complexity Training. The program is being implemented at Herrington as a tool to increase depth of learning across the curriculum. The Librarian and ITS will be creating materials to help educate the Herrington community about the program and its purpose.
- Anderson Mill Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian have been collaborating on several projects. The first was to create a quiz on Healthy Choices to front load an IB lesson on Healthy Choices. The students used ActiveVotes response devices to answer questions about healthy choices. They are also involved in an ongoing project to create digital book reviews of all of this year's Bluebonnet Books and beyond. So far, they have had four students produce their videos. The reviews are posted to YouTube and then QR codes made to place under the Book posters in the hallway outside of the library and in a separate location in the library. Students and/or staff or parents can scan the QR codes to watch and listen to the reviews. The videos will also be posted on each of our websites. Here are a few of the QR codes. Scan and watch for your enjoyment:
- Great Oaks Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The ITS and Librarian will collaborate to share how to implement Google Hangouts into their teaching and learning process with students. They are also working with 5th grade students to create book trailers or special reports with technology to share on the morning broadcast.
- Pond Springs Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian are collaborating on a Wonder project with a group of 2nd and 3rd graders. The students chose a variety of projects that demonstrate kindness. The students are learning to use their GAFE accounts as they create projects which include stop motion movies, live action movies, poetry, posters, and book trailers. Look for their products on a special Wonder Google site.
- Chandler Oaks Elementary: [Effective 10/21/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian have built walls on (previously known as WallWisher). Using the book, Wonder by R.J. Palacio, a wall has been created for each of Mr. Browne’s precepts from the book. Students are asked to respond to the posted question each month with their thoughts about the precept and other questions as added. As students begin posting they will share samples.
- Berkman Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The Berkman ES “Julies” (Librarian: Julianne Bamford; ITS: Julie Haney) are planning to use Google Hangouts to give students the opportunity to digitally travel outside of Round Rock. The are hoping to set up some joint lessons or discussions with classes outside of Austin. They are also starting a Tech Star’s club in December for students to learn about web design, creating apps, etc. For staff, they are hoping to do an Amazing Race activity for IT professional development and involve teachers in Google+ communities.
- Gattis Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist, Angie Hintz, and Librarian, Kay Wallingford, are collaboratively working on adding more dual language options to their morning broadcast. For example, after using a flip camera to record their dual language second graders saying the Pledge of Allegiance in English and Spanish, they downloaded the videos into the broadcast PowerPoint to present to the school. An example of one of the Spanish Phrases of the week video files can be found here:
- C.D. Fulkes Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] Librarian, Barbara Ludden, and Instructional Technology Specialist, Patsy Eckert collaborated to provide a half-day inservice training on Sharp School webpage design, Google Drive, and a variety of Web 2. 0 applications to help with daily management and integrate technology into lesson plans. The day started with a demonstration of Google Hangout staged between Patsy, Barbara, and 2 other teachers discussing what they hoped teachers would get out of the day's sessions, and then teachers rotated through the 3 sessions.
- Elsa England Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist and Librarian are working together -- we have three new SMART Response kits this year (three different models; one for K/1, one for 2/3, and one for 4/5). They're working together to train themselves on the SMART Response devices, using one classroom and teacher as a pilot class, then they will provide training for the entire campus once they have more experience and are able to troubleshoot. They are using this website to train ourselves on the SMART Response software.
- Deepwood Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The Instructional Technology Specialist, Jullie Scully, and Librarian, Stephanie Inzana, are collaborating to provide monthly technology training after school through Technology Tornadoes. Tornado training sessions are geared to fit in a teacher's busy schedule, and will provide concise, to the point training in tools that can be used in the classroom and for teacher productivity. Scheduled topics include Digital Storytelling and Google Applications. Teachers will be able to guide their learning by providing feedback for desired training topics. They made a Smore to publicize to teachers, and a Prezi for the introduction of the training.
- Caraway Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The Librarian, the Instructional Technology Specialist, and the Counselor worked together to expose children to materials about higher learning and future career choices. There were lessons in the library regarding the myriad possible careers using resources including literature as well as technology such as Discovery Streaming, Flipcameras, and Animoto. On the broadcast, student reporters talked about the importance of higher education and showed Animoto projects by second grade classes. You can view the finished projects at the Caraway IT Blog.
- Purple Sage Elementary: [Effective 10/31/13] The librarian, Catherine Jones and Instructional Technology Specialist, Bunny Barnard, will be presenting Atomic Learning to their staff at a future faculty meeting in the form of a scavenger hunt.
- Caldwell Heights Elementary: [Effective 11/4/13] The librarian and Instructional Technology Specialist have collaborated to help Caldwell Heights students use Google Hangouts to collaborate with two different authors. The students will be using Windows MovieMaker and Audacity to create book trailers for new books that will be released in March. The goal is to have the book trailers completed by the end of January.
Great Oaks Elementary: The ITS and Librarian will collaborate to share how to implement Google Hangouts into their teaching and learning process with students. We are also working with 5th grade students to create book trailers or special reports with technology to share on our morning broadcast.
ReplyDeleteRobertson Library
ReplyDeleteRobertson Elementary: The ITS and Librarian have set up a blog based on the book, "Wonder." The blog is linked to the library Web page. Students are able to post their comments, take surveys and read others' postings.